a) Reservoir Dogs
b) Fight Club
c) The Candidate
d) Brief Encounter
a) Harold and Maude
b) The Godfather
c) After The Fox
d) Snatch
a) Manhattan
b) Play Misty For Me
c) Cool Hand Luke
d) Match Point
a) Casablanca
b) V for Vendetta
c) Das Boot
d) Judgment at Nuremberg
a) Breakfast Club
b) Eyes Wide Shut
c) Along Came Polly
d) The Pianist
a) Double Indemnity
b) Hunt for Red October
c) Oxford Blues
d) Casablanca
a) Any Given Sunday
b) Remember the Titans
c) The Replacements
d) The Longest Yard
a) Titanic
b) Pretty Woman
c) Legally Blonde
d) The Firm
a) Double Jeopardy
b) Wedding Crashers
c) Some Like It Hot
d) Along Came Polly
a) Oxford Blues
b) Goodfellas
c) The Godfather
d) Above The Law
| |
a) Sin City
b) The Sting
c) The Conversation
d) L.A. Confidential
a) Raging Bull
b) Bonnie and Clyde
c) The Shining
d) Chinatown
a) Rush Hour 2
b) Hoosiers
c) Rebel Without A Cause
d) Con Air
a) Toy Story
b) Major League
c) Mystic River
d) Forrest Gump
a) Five Easy Pieces
b) Love Actually
c) Match Point
d) Dirty Dancing
a) Diner
b) Cocoon
c) 3 Men and a Baby
d) The Petrified Forest
a) Grand Prix
b) The Family Stone
c) The Wedding Date
d) Must Love Dogs
a) Femme Fatale
b) You've Got Mail
c) Fire Down Below
d) Bridget Jones's Diary
a) French Kiss
b) The French Connection
c) Casablanca
d) Rain Man
a) The Godfather
b) Casino
c) Goodfellas
d) Jackie Brown