Reverse Peace Sign - Britain Making a peace sign with your palm facing in means, well, the opposite of the peace sign. It derives from the middle ages when French soldiers would cut these two fingers off of English bowman so they couldn't shoot anymore. The English would in turn flash their two fingers back at them as a taunt. The gesture still exists today, although it has morphed into a more modern "F--- off." Waggle your tongue in the middle of the fingers for added sexual connotations. |
|  Bras d’Honneur - Europe and the Americas The “Arm of Honor” is known by many names, but they all essentially mean the same thing: up yours. |

 Thumbs up - Iran
A positive gesture in most of the world, in Iran the thumbs up is the equivalent of the Finger.
|  The Moutza - Greece The Greeks aren't big into high fives. Throwing your hand out at someone suggests they "eat shit." It can be done politely (Fingers touching) or with extra punch (The Double Moutza). |

 The OK Sign - South America Similar to the Thumbs Up, it’s widely known as a positive gesture. However South America doesn’t like the gesture so much. Brazil considers it the finger, and in Venezuela you are calling someone a guy with an extremely large rear end.
|  The Fig/Dulya - Russia
Don’t play “Got Your Nose” in Russia. They won’t take it too kindly because it means "up yours." It's usually used when someone asks you for money. |

 The French Hole - France In France, moving your middle finger in and out of your other fist means that person takes a you-know-what up the you-know-where
|  The Wanker - England A most distinguished way to insult a most distinguished British man.

 The Cutis - India and Pakistan In India & Pakistan, if someone gives you grief, hook your thumbnail behind your front teeth and then flick your thumb at the person. It's a fun way of saying "screw you."
|  The Dog Call - Indonesia In Indonesia, you can call dogs with this gesture just fine. Using this gesture to call a human over, however, might result in you getting stoned. Make sure it’s worth it.

 The Crossed Fingers - Vietnam In Vietnam crossing your fingers doesn’t get you out of a promise. It does, however, call someone an explicit part of the female genitalia.
|  Reverse Finger - Egypt Egypt hates the middle finger so much they decided to reverse it but have it stand for the same thing.

 The Crossed Fingers - Vietnam In Vietnam crossing your fingers doesn’t get you out of a promise. It does, however, call someone an explicit part of the female genitalia.
|  The Concha - Chile Chile gets creative with their insults, giving us one no one else has. Make a slight shell shape with your hand, thrust it upward, and you’ve successfully told that guy the very specific message that his mother has dryness issues.

 Donkey Ride - Saudi Arabia A complicated Saudi Arabian gesture, placing your left index finger under your touching right index finger and thumb indicates you will ride your opponent like a donkey (and not in a sexual way). Which is apparently very offensive in the Middle East.
|  The Tapita - Chile Another creative gesture from Chile, tapping your palm over a cylinder made with your other hand is the Chilean way of saying someone has small genitals. |

 The Shakespeare - English Majors In Romeo & Juliet, a fight is started when Samson bites his finger. In Elizabethan times, biting your thumb was the equivalent of "fighting words." If you ever wanted to throw down with an English major, you know what to do.